Freitag, Mai 29, 2009

Hacked the Dutch Railways - subtitled

Donnerstag, Mai 28, 2009

Hacking the highway traffic signs - subtitled

So macht die Arbeit am Rechner Spaß! Und siehe da, die Jungs nutzen einen Mac ...

Montag, Mai 25, 2009

Damals ...

Damals ..., originally uploaded by henrikbeckerkoeln.

Mann, schon damals war ich ja ganz schön niedlich ... ;-)


Gartenparty, originally uploaded by henrikbeckerkoeln.

Gartenpartys waren schon immer mein Favorit. Bierchen, Grillen, Unsinn labern ... Und immer einen auf ganz dicke Hose machen!

Mittwoch, Mai 20, 2009

Einsicht in Sicherheit

Another perspective on it is that "Business Needs" define how much security (more expensive) is valued over simplicity (cheaper). The "simplest" network is "Grannies" Windows 98 PC plugged directly into the Internet.  It's simple, cheap and about as secure as a screen door on a submarine.  The most "secure" computer is setup inside a Faraday cage, inside a vault, not connected to any network.  And the power is turned off.  It's only use is to collect dust. (Von der Basics-Liste von